Tanjung Taruna

Tanjung Taruna, is a small village across the Kahayan River, Pulang Pisau, precisely in the Jabiren Raya sub-district. This village has approximately 50 families (KK). The distance to get to this village is also quite far, about 8 – 9 km or takes an hour’s journey, especially when the road conditions are still inadequate, making the journey seem longer. To get to this village we can not only go by land but also through the river which is on the side of the road, and of course we can use Kalotok (Dayak water transportation). Although it is only a small village, Tanjung Taruna also has a hamlet called Tanjung Pusaka. In this village there are only a few heads of families, and most of their houses are built on lanting. These two villages and hamlets are separated by the Kahayan river. The hamlet of Tanjung Pusaka is located on the riverbank bordering Palangka Raya and Kab. Pulang Pisau, while the village of Tanjung Taruna is located across the Kahayan River. This is the reason why only Tanjung Pusaka hamlet gets electricity supply from the government, while Tanjung Taruna village does not.

    But the people in this village have not lost their minds, they rely on sunlight as their power generator by installing a solar board on the roof of the house and then channeling it to an accumulator (AKI) which is quite large so that it produces enough electricity. For the administrators in the village and hamlet it is the same, which means that all problems or affairs in the Tanjung Pusaka hamlet will also be taken care of by the Tanjung Taruna village head because the hamlet is entirely under the Tanjung Taruna village. People in the village of Tanjung Taruna also only work as miners and fishermen. Because indeed the area is on the edge of the river and is very easily affected by floods, thus preventing them from being able to do other work. Apart from that, Tanjung Taruna Village is also one of the villages frequented by several tourists, both local and foreign, not only for vacations, some of these tourists also visit this village, one of which is to find out what things can help the economy. in that village.

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